Thursday, March 1, 2012

Online Education Classes Are Green

There comes a time in just about every career professional’s life when the need to further one’s education asserts itself as a priority. Maybe you need to finish off a Master’s Degree in order to get promoted. Maybe your boss is insisting you look into an advanced degree so that you might finally land that much deserved raise you’ve been promised. Or perhaps you work in a field like Accounting, Law, Taxes or Insurance, where continuing education is mandatory. With this last example, taking Insurance Continuing Education classes helps an insurance professional stay current with the trends and laws governing the industry, so that the best and most complete information might be passed on to clients. So is there a way to get the continuing education that you need, while minimizing your carbon footprint, and doing the least possible damage to the environment?

In a phrase, Continuing Education classes online represent the best way to get the knowledge and or certificates that you need, while simultaneously doing the least amount of damage to the environment.

How Continuing Education Represents a Greener Option

Of course, there is the power that your computer consumes that should be factored into your total understanding of the greenness of your efforts when looking into continuing education over traditional classes on a university or city college campus. But the reality is that most continuing education programs alleviate the need for many things that present continued stress on the environment. Think about the text books, just as one example. When you switch to a downloadable PDF that you then read and study on your computer, you save some trees. And not just that — but the trees used for the paper, the ink used for the printing, the power and chemicals used to run a printing company, the paper used to box and ship the text books to a store or campus bookstore, the fuel and harmful impact of mass transportation of the books from state to state, and the list goes on and on.

Continuing education classes, when taken online, typically involve just a few easy steps, wherein prospective students sign up online, pay their fees, and then choose their classes. Students work with professors in a virtual classroom, and discuss the course materials with other students in a forum-like atmosphere, where dialog is possible online. Tests can be administered online, and papers can be submitted to professors via email, often after being run through a third-party system where the material can be checked for plagiarism. Students stay out of their cars, less buildings are needed for students and classes, and course materials are limited to what can be transferred across the Internet.

Next time you are asked to take continuing education courses for things like Insurance or Accounting/Tax information, make sure to consider the online option, which many state regulating bodies now endorse. You simply research the program, make sure that the regulatory body in your state or county endorses the program, and then sign up, pay with a credit card, and have course results often sent directly to the party involved with regulating your industry.


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